
Petra Kleis, what are you up to?

She is the Danish photographer who captures women as they truly are, and celebrities are just waiting to get a call from her so she can photograph them. She’s talented and incredibly sweet. Please welcome… Petra Kleis.

What are you up to right now?
“Right now, I’m planning my upcoming shoots. A huge part of being a photographer involves coordinating and planning. Luckily, I have a producer for the bigger shoots, but for all the smaller projects I do, which I love, I coordinate myself. Otherwise, I’m gearing up with lovely things for my summer house, so I’m ready to have a long vacation there soon.”

What did you dream about 10 years ago?
“Ten years ago, I was probably dreaming about where I am now. I never dared admit my photography ambitions because I thought it wouldn’t happen anyway. I’ve never been good at attending the right events and making friends with the right people, which, unfortunately, is a huge advantage in my industry. But everything worked out, despite it all. My strengths are hard work and a strong gut feeling for what’s right.”

Where do you want to be in 10 years?
“In 10 years, I’d like to be better at not caring about what people think. I’m well on my way, fortunately! My 40th year has been good for me, even though it was a bit stressful to write 40 instead of something with a 3… But again, the alternative is worse. I hope that in 10 years, I’m only doing things that have meaning and depth.”

What are your summer plans?
“I want to try taking a month off. I work a lot, too much! I should try to unplug for a month. We’ll be at our summer house. It’s probably my favorite place in the whole world. My big brother died suddenly and left me a pile of money, which I used to buy the summer house, so it’s extra important for me to enjoy life when I’m there and send him a thought.”

What makes a good summer day?
“A good summer day consists of at least three swims in the sea. I LOVE swimming! I do it all year round. The more I can be in the water, the better. Then, of course, there’s ice cream, cold beers, boat trips, naps in the shade in the hammock, and dinner with friends. If the weather is good, we drag our table to the beach and have dinner there. That’s true, true luxury!”

Who would you like to rub sunscreen on?
“I would love to rub sunscreen on your boss mama (Andrea Elisabeth Rudolph, in case anyone is in doubt, ed.). She is simply one of the loveliest people I know and has the most beautiful skin in the world. So if she needs someone, she can call; she has my number. If she doesn’t need me, I’ll grab my boyfriend and daughters.”